Serving 1 | Low Carb | Rich In Vitamins & Minerals
1 cup mixed beans, cooked
1/2 cup green peas
1/2 cup sweet corn
1-2 clove garlic
1-2 tomatoes
1/2 avocado
1 spring onion
2 stalks
1 cup parsley, freshly chopped
Romaine lettuce leaves
herbs & spices to taste
Tahini (optional)
1. Finely cut up the tomatoes, avocado, parsley, spring onion into cubes.2. In a large bowl, transfer your already cooked mixed beans, peas and sweet corn,(all washed and rinsed if using cans/tinned) along with the chopped tomatoes, avocado, parsley, spring onion and crushed garlic and give it all a big mix. Here you can also season & spic things up as desired too.
3. Get your vehicle ready (in this case lettuce, but they can also be wraps, tacos, etc.) and LOAD! Feel free to drizzle with tahini once you have loaded your lettuce boats!
Calorie (kcal): 542 | Carb (grams): 91 | Fat (grams): 15.8 | Protein (grams): 25.2