
Vilka är fördelarna med Omega 3 från algolja?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Omega 3 is possibly the most important thing we can put in our bodies. It does so much for the heart, brain, eyes and nervous system, that a regular intake is essential in keeping us fighting fit. I will offer my opinions on the benefits of Omega 3 to anyone, anytime. It makes me a right laugh at parties. 

Whilst our bodies can make most of the fats we need for ourselves, we can’t make Omega 3 fatty acids. These are really important for cell membranes and receptors throughout our body, from infancy to adulthood. Your body needs all three types of Omega 3 fatty acids to maintain body structure and energy - these are ALA (available in plant-based food sources such as flaxseeds and soybeans), EHA, and DPA. We can convert some ALA, sometimes known as a parent fatty acid, into DHA and EPA, but not enough, which means we need to get the majority from an external source. Most usually when people think of Omega 3, they think of fish oil. 

But personally, I don’t want to get my Omega 3 from fish oil, especially considering that there are plant-based alternatives available! Let’s be clear, here. Fish do not magically produce EHA and DPA either. Algae oil is a primary source of EHA and DPA for fish, who then store it within their own cells. With EHA and DPA being the two types of Omega 3 it is difficult to acquire from plant-based food sources, algae oil can give us all the benefits of fish oil, with none of the nastiness! 

What kind of benefits? 

Well, Omega 3 is proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and remove the amount of triglycerides found in the bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides can lead to heart problems, so managing those is super important! 

Your eyes also benefit hugely from elevated levels of DHA and EPA. Not only are your odds of macular degeneration reduced, but Omega 3 also helps to keep your eyes healthy by preventing them from drying out and slowing the speed at which tears evaporate. How cool is that?

Omega 3 is also responsible for the creation and maintenance of Eicosanoids, also known as signalling molecules. These not only help our hearts and immune systems remain healthy, they are also understood to reduce and regulate inflammation, particularly for anyone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. 

More omega 3 fatty acids are thought to reduce the symptoms of depression, and their severity. Your brain has especially high levels of DHA, with brain matter being made of around 30% DHA. This is why symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, fogginess and an inability to concentrate can be exacerbated when your levels of this vital fatty acid are low. 

You can, of course, learn more about fatty acids and their benefits in this handy article

So why choose a supplement with Algae oil? 

I’m so glad you asked. 

First, let’s talk about purity. Algae used in supplements is grown in lab conditions, which means that it is free from the purity and toxins prevalent in Omega 3 derived from fish, due to the pollution in the oceans. These lab conditions for algae also ensure that the heavy metals typically found in high numbers in fish products are not present, so you won’t develop any health issues from ingesting these materials over time. 

Now, let’s talk potency. With lab grown algae, the levels of exposure to different conditions, such as levels of UV light, can be manipulated, increasing the amount of fatty acids they contain. 

These conditions, of course, are also beneficial for our oceans and waterways. Lab grown algae grows very quickly, and doesn’t contribute to overfishing or the destruction of marine habitats. It’s also a much more sustainable farming practice than traditional fishing, and is believed to be one of the few farming practices which has a carbon neutral footprint. 

Finally - and this is a big one for me - algae oil is kinder to your digestion and less likely to cause stomach issues (and those awful fishy burps!) as well as tasting better all around! 

From my point of view, at least, there is no reason not to make a switch to a cleaner, healthier Omega 3 if you’re already taking supplements. If you’re not taking an Omega 3 supplement and you’re concerned about your levels of Omega 3, or discover any of these indicators of a deficiency, then you can speak to a healthcare professional or try a plant-based supplement, such as Vivo Life’s Plant-Based Liquid Omega-3
