7 sätt att förbättra matsmältningen
Our digestive system is a complex network. Its main job is to transform the food we eat into fuel for our bodies. But that’s not all it does. Our digestive system plays a vital role in our immune function and even our mood, with many scientists considering our gut microbiome like a ‘second brain’.
So by taking the time and effort to make sure that your digestive system is in good health, you’ll improve almost every aspect of your wellbeing.
In this article, we're sharing seven proven ways to boost your digestion (each backed by science) followed by actionable steps that you can integrate into your daily life.
In this article:
1. Boost your hydration
2. Eat more fibre
3. Exercise (every day)
4. Slow down your eating
5. Eat probiotics
6. Limit caffeine and alcohol
7. Control your stress
1. Boost your hydration
Water isn't just for quenching your thirst. It helps to break down the food you munch on and ultimately makes the waste process as smooth as possible. If dehydrated, you’re more likely to experience constipation and an acidic stomach.Action Step: Invest in a refillable water bottle that you love and keep it with you at all times. If you’re sweating a lot throughout the day due to exercise, a hot climate, or a combination of both, consider adding some electrolytes to your water. Our SUSTAIN contains a coconut water electrolyte blend to help keep you optimally hydrated. It’s ideal for using as you workout, but you can get the benefit of the electrolytes at any time of the day.
For a morning jump start to your hydration, try a glass of warm water with lemon to stimulate your digestive system.
2. Eat more fibre
We’ve all heard about the importance of eating more fibre. It helps keep your bowel movements regular and can even support your journey towards a healthier weight. Make sure to get both insoluble and soluble fibre in your diet. Here are a few good sources of both:Soluble fibre:
● Oats, barley, and rye
● Fruits, such as oranges, apples, and pears
● Vegetables like carrots, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes
● Legumes, including lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans
● Psyllium husk
Insoluble fibre:
● Whole grains, like whole wheat and brown rice
● Wheat bran
● Vegetables, such as green beans, cauliflower, and potatoes
● Fruits, like avocados and bananas
● Nuts and seeds
Action Step: Add a colourful array of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes to your plate. The more variety, the better! Here’s how you can incorporate this into your day:
● Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal topped with berries.
● For lunch and dinner, include a variety of vegetables, and choose whole grains over refined grains.
● Incorporate high-protein legumes, like beans or lentils, into your meals.
3. Exercise (every day)
Physical activity isn't just about building muscle and boosting your mood (although that’s probably a good enough reason to do it). Exercising is also crucial to the proper functioning of your digestive system. Regular movement keeps your digestive system active and helps to combat constipation.Action Step: Make a plan to move more every day. This doesn’t need to be anything intense. It could be a short walk around the block after each meal, a quick yoga session in the morning, or a 15-minute body-weight routine during your lunch hour. If you're not currently active, start with small, achievable goals, like 10 minutes of movement a day, and gradually increase.
4. Slow down your eating
Are you eating with full awareness? Slow, mindful chewing can stave off various digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Plus, eating slower means you're less likely to overeat, helping you keep your weight at a healthy level.Action Step: Start by dedicating one meal per day to mindful eating. Turn off your phone, sit down at the table, and focus on your food -- the taste, texture, and how it makes you feel. Take the time to chew each bite consciously, and appreciate the nourishment you're giving to your body.
5. Eat probiotics:
Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, many of which are important for your health. Live cultures found in fermented foods or as supplements can have a probiotic effect, giving a boost to the healthy bacteria in your gut. As well as generally improving your digestive, eating live cultures is linked to alleviating conditions like IBS, ulcerative colitis, and H. pylori infections.Action Step: Include more fermented foods in your diet for a natural probiotic boost. Foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir are great options. Alternatively, consider a reputable supplement. For instance, our THRIVE Living Multinutrient contains 10 billion live cultures and a range of whole-food vitamins, minerals, herbs, and superfoods.
6. Limit caffeine and alcohol
While enjoyable for many of us, caffeine and alcohol can meddle with your digestive system's proper functioning, causing problems like stomach ulcers and heartburn. You don’t need to go teetotal or switch your morning latte to a peppermint tea – simply be conscious of your intake and don’t go overboard.
Action Step: Start by reducing your intake and monitoring your body's response. Try swapping out your regular coffee for herbal teas or decaf, and limit alcoholic drinks to special occasions.
7. Control your stress
If you’ve ever experienced stress (and you have – unless you’re a new AI model reading this), you might notice a horrible feeling in your stomach. That’s because high-stress levels can launch an all-out assault on your digestive system. This is ok in short doses – as stress is unavoidable. But chronic stress can lead to stomach ulcers, diarrhoea, constipation, and IBS.Action Step: Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine. This might include taking five minutes each morning and evening to meditate, participating in a weekly yoga class, or simply making time to do something you love every day.
Review your commitments. Are you overpromising and trying to take on too much? Be honest with yourself, and make sure you’re getting enough time to rest physically and mentally.
Make small, sustainable changes:
You don’t need to overhaul your diet and lifestyle overnight – and if you have pre-existing health conditions, you definitely shouldn’t. Be mindful of these tips, and start to make small changes in your daily routine. No one is perfect, and you don’t have to be. Your gut is adaptable and pretty resilient. So just give it what it needs, and it’ll do the hard work!
If you do have pre-existing conditions, especially digestive issues, these tips might not be effective for your specific gut. So make sure you consult a healthcare professional or a dietician before making major changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Boost your probiotics with THRIVE
Having a whole host of magic potions and overpriced supplements in your cupboard isn’t necessary. We created THRIVE to give you a boost of vitamins, minerals, superfoods, and herbs into your diet. On top of that, it also includes 10 billion live cultures for a probiotic effect.
It’s in a powder form, so simply mix one scoop of THRIVE with water (or mix into a smoothie) and enjoy daily. It works out less than the price of a coffee!
And if you subscribe, you'll get 15% off THRIVE for life.
Try Vivo Life THRIVE!