
Hvorfor vi arbejder med plastikbank

We believe in a fairer world for every being on the planet, a healthier humanity, and a healthier planet too. 

Our core values represent not just our feelings towards our products and customers, but our feelings towards the planet. We’ve always promised to work to the highest ethical standards for the sake of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. That’s why we’ve partnered up with Plastic Bank as the climate crisis deepens and plastic affects more of our oceans every day. 

Humanity has become so used to the convenience of plastic, that many people are blind to the effect that it is having on our world. It’s cheap to buy, easy to use and even easier to throw away. 

But think of it like this: By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish

The demand for fish and seafood has led to over 90% of the world’s fish stocks being overfished or exploited. As a result, the marine landscape has become seriously depleted and fishing practices have become more intense as a result. Fishing gear is often abandoned in marine environments, leading to further plastic waste in the ocean, and the deaths of more marine life as they become tangled in lines and nets. (Rowland, n.d.)

And those plastics that reach the ocean don’t just affect marine life and their landscapes, they’re affecting you, too. Microplastics have now been found in the human bloodstream, which suggests that we should all be doing more to prevent plastic waste entering our waterways. 

That’s where Plastic Bank come in: 

Plastic Bank help to collect and maintain ethical plastic collection solutions within 30 miles of coastlines and waterways across the globe. 

Plastic waste is gathered directly from beaches, riverbanks and even directly from houses, preventing plastic from entering the ocean in the first place, helping to lessen the environmental impact of plastic at the source. 

But that’s not all! Those community members who spend their time and energy gathering plastics before they enter the ocean are offered secure incomes, and access to benefits including health insurance, social assistance and access to banking services which might previously have seemed unattainable. These sources of income are giving vulnerable communities a way to emerge from poverty and empower themselves. 

And what happens to the plastic? Well, it’s used in the production of other products and packaging, giving it a new purpose and building a circular economy for plastics which benefits people, planet, and animals alike.

How does the partnership work?

Here at Vivo Life, one of our biggest priorities is to create high quality plant-based supplements which don’t cost the earth. In the case of our plant-based omega 3 liquid supplement, we don’t want it to cost the ocean either. 

Our liquid omega 3 supplement isn’t just special because it’s made from sustainable tank-grown algae, which means no pollutants, contaminants, or heavy metals. It’s special because each bottle of omega 3 sold prevents 1kg of plastic from reaching the oceans, thanks to Plastic Bank. 

We are proud to have a supplement which doesn’t cost the earth, and gives back to the oceans. By partnering with Plastic Bank, and by providing products which are actively trying to stop and reverse the damage caused by plastics, pollution and overfishing, we can make a difference together. 

Using a sustainable omega 3 is an easy swap for those who are conscious not only of their health, but of the ways in which each of our actions impacts our world. 


Rowland, M.P. (n.d.). Two-Thirds Of The World’s Seafood Is Over-Fished -- Here’s How You Can Help. [online] Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpellmanrowland/2017/07/24/seafood-sustainability-facts/.

Evans, D. (2019). The Plastic Problem – Human Health. [online] Plastic EDU. Available at: https://plastic.education/the-plastic-problem-human-health/