
Proteinparfaits med blåbär och vanilj

Parfaits all day!!

Not only does this delicious Vegan Blueberry and Vanilla protein Parfait tastes amazing, it's the most easiest parfait to make!

This blueberry and vanilla fruit filled high protein combo is perfect as a protein packed breakfast, post workout snack or refreshing dessert.

That's because we have added in our amazingly delicious 25g of protein powder PERFORM which has a silky smooth texture to make sure you are enjoying your healthy protein parfait to the max!

Den är också gjord av ärtprotein som har massor av hälsofördelar för dig, inklusive antioxidantrikt gurkmejaextrakt som är bra för återhämtning och energigivande superfoods och växtbaserade BCAA för att förbättra din prestation.

What are parfaits?

You might be asking yourself, what even is a parfait? Parfait in French means Perfect.

In France, parfaits are meant to be made with creams, eggs and lots of sugar. However, we would rather create the vegan version of a parfait which is a lot easier to make as our parfait includes bananas, blueberries, oat milk and granola all served up in a beautiful glass.

Here’s what you’ll need to make this healthy protein parfait:


blueberry vanilla protein fruit parfait



  • Dried Fruit
  • Coconut Flakes
  • Granola
  • Cacao Nibs
  • Nut Butter


1. Put all ingredients into a blender and blend!

Our PERFORM: Madagascan Vanilla uses Madagascan Vanilla Bean Powder, Konjac Fibre, Natural Vanilla Flavour, Stevia Extract, but if you don’t like vanilla, then this recipe works just as well with all of our other flavours including:

  • Saltad Maca-karamell
  • Rå kakao
  • Banan & kanel
  • Acai & blåbär

If you like this fruity protein snack, why not try our Healthy Green Smoothie Bowl or our Fruity Protein Smoothie Bowl.

This blueberry parfait recipe was made by the wonderful Maddie Lymburner!